Why acupuncture should be part of you monthly self-care routine
Acupuncture has a cumulative effect on your health overall. And if you’re less stressed, are sick less often, sleeping better and waking mor
Acupuncture beats drugs for insomnia relief
Acupuncture outperforms drug therapy for the treatment of insomnia. Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine researchers compared t
Acupuncture For A Broken Heart?
While Western medicine tends to repress symptoms like pain, acupuncture uses them to accelerate the healing process. When we are dealing wit
What can acupuncture treat?
When administered by a qualified acupuncturist treatment can help treat many ailments ranging from mental health issues such as anxiety or s
Acupuncture for Hay Fever
On the subjective side, acupuncture significantly improved quality of life scores. Nasal related symptoms improved significantly. The resear
Acupuncture for sleep deprivation
Acupuncture works to improve the functions across the body and improve its natural self-healing process. Insomnia can be due to several diff
Acupuncture to boost the Immune System
Acupuncture can regulate immune function and treat the underlying cause of the disease by reducing symptoms, speeding up the healing of infe
Traditional Acupuncture and Back Pain
The condition affects more than 1.1 million people in the UK, with 95% of patients suffering from problems affecting the lower back. Back pa
Pains and needles: brain scans point to hidden effects of acupuncture
Placebo acupuncture can ease short-term pain but the real thing might help to reverse the underlying pathology of a disease
The Science Behind Acupuncture—and Why It Really Works
The shift in the way we perceive acupuncture in the Western world—from a strange curiosity to a leading therapy—is a testament to its effica